Wednesday, 2 August 2017

BREAKING…Senate rejects devolution of powers, backs financial autonomy for LG, State Assemblies (Updated)

Understanding the proposed immunity clause for lawmakers

The Senate at about 12.35pm today, voted against devolution of powers to States. Forty eight voted against it, while 46 voted in favour.
It however voted ‎in favour of financial autonomy for State Houses of Assembly. It also gave nod to financial autonomy for local governments.
Subsequently, the Senate passed other notable amendments such as, Age Reduction for Political Offices (Not Too Young To Run), Independent Candidacy, Separation of Office of Attorney General of the Federation/State from Office of Minister/Commissioner for Justice, Mandatory Nomination and Assigning of Portfolios to Confirmed Ministers within 30 days, Legislative Immunity, and Obligatory State of the Nation Address to a joint session of the National Assembly by the President.


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